Round Table Discussions

The Office of the Political Ombudsman (OPO) has received numerous complaints touching on Political Tribalism. A part of the purpose of the Office is to hold Parties, politicians, candidates and the public accountable in rejecting the practice (see Tenet 7 of the Code of Political Conduct in the Joint Agreement and Declaration on Politcal Conduct).

The Office also works to identify and dismantle the behaviour and structures that support Political Tribalism and garrisons in Jamaica.

One of the ways the OPO does this is by hosting Round table consultations with Jamaican thought leaders. These are experts on various subjects including Good Governance, Rule of Law, Democracy, Human Rights and Development.

The meetings are expected to assist in defining the problem, identify key influencers, and identify spaces where the problem exists — as well as provide other related information to support the Office in its investigations.

You can view photos of our meetings below.